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Wrath of the technical specifications of Weltraumbesty

by Weltraumbesty / KRP, 9th of January 2025 which your humble cosmic navigator stumbles over his own feet and falls directly into making exactly the same mistakes he used to, back when he was first building websites at the turn of the millennium.

Be it ever thus, I suppose.

As is always reasonable and good, I decided to upload this modest enterprise (eight whole pages at the time, now nine) at around one in the morning. A perfect time to upload website files, because it puts me at an exact crossroad between being sick of looking at html markup and being too tired to fix the inevitable mistakes that arise. You'd think I'd have learned some patience in two and a half decades of doing this. But...


The mistakes I found upon first upload were minor, at least. If there are others then they're at least not disastrous enough to be breaking parts of the website. I've certainly done worse.

Primary among these were instances, limited to the site index and the page index, where the top menu was not behaving as it should. Like a very smart person who knows what they're doing, I had left a double quote off the end of the first href and thus rendered the first two menu items unusable. Somehow this was done only on those two pages, meaning I had to have caught and fixed the error prior to finalizing my blank layout files and making the rest of the site pages. Infuriating, though I guess I'd rather fix the problem twice than eight times.

The top menu on these pages was also missing a formatting line break that was present elsewhere, and left it rendering awkwardly on the page.

The biggest issue present upon uploading, however, was a bugbear that has plagued me from the very first moment I started doing this... something I have literally always forgotten to do on first blush... something I will presumably always forget to do.

I made a lovely site title header image... and then completely neglected to link it back to home, effectively breaking the navigational intentions of my own site design. This did have to be corrected across all eight pages, which left me just enough time (given how minor the fix is) to feel really stupid about all of it. Good times.

For those keeping tally at home, the original layout read thusly for the afflicted section:

<!--// header image //--!>	
<img src="#IMAGE" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;"></img>

And the fix:

<!--// header image //--!>	
<a href="#HOME"><img src="#IMAGE" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" border="none"></img></a>

Someday I'll learn.

...but probably not.

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if you enjoyed this shit then please consider throwing us a buck or two. we wander the wastes of intergalactic space in search of a new home, free from war and traffic accidents, and are powered by coffee alone. thank you.

© Weltraumbesty // KRP // Kevin Pyrtle